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Small Bowel Enteroscopy


A small bowel enteroscopy is a test that allows direct visualization of the small bowel using an endoscope. In the past, gastroenterologists have had physical difficulty reaching distal regions of the small bowel, but new forms of endoscopy of the small bowel allow better diagnosis and treatment. There are several type of small bowel enteroscopy such as:

  • Video chip endoscopy, which includes double balloon, single balloon, and spiral enteroscopy
  • Wireless enteroscopy systems such as capsule endoscopy

The specific type of small bowel enteroscopy your doctor might use depends on the condition he suspects you might have.


You and your position might recommend a small bowel enteroscopy in the following circumstances:

  • Diagnose cancer
  • Find the cause of gastrointestinal bleeding
  • Diagnose inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease
  • Monitor celiac disease
  • Screen for polyps
  • Follow up on other testing such as x-rays or imaging tests.

What To Expect From A Small Bowel Enteroscopy

A small bowel endoscopy offers an alternative to more invasive procedures such as surgery. Since some small bowel conditions are difficult to see with tests such as endoscopy surgery, more invasive testing and treatments may be the only alternative.

If Dr, Asgeri feels that small bowel enteroscophy is the best procedure for you, you will be sedated for what is often just a 30-minute procedure. While you may receive the results right away, tissue samples extracted during the procedure may delay results that are biopsied.



Small Bowel Enteroscopy can be invaluable in diagnosing cancer and inflammatory bowel diseases. Contact Oasis Advanced Gastroenterology in Palm Springs to schedule an enteroscopy with Dr. Asgeri.

Request an appointment online or call 760-699-7607.


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